VersoView AMA (10/02/21)

Dr. GemHunter
12 min readFeb 10, 2021



VersoView provides an ecosystem around publishing, with an engagement and rewards platform. They have a diverse team and also recently introduced two new team members. So they cover an extremely broad spectrum. One of their key elements is patent pending that converts print and digital media across all end-user experiences. That’s why I’m particularly pleased today to go into more detail with the team about their project.

Guys, I am very glad that you are here with us today! Since you already have some AMAs behind you, I would like to skip the general part and get straight to the point.

Alex: Glad to be here!

Stephen Peaple: Great to be here, thank you

Alex: We are really looking forward to talking all things VersoView with you!

Col Werner: Thanks for inviting us!


It’s a pleasure to have u in here. Then let’s start:

Can you briefly explain what features your $VVT ecosystem offers for individuals, like me, and what it offers for businesses

Alex: My name is Alex Moody and I am Director of Operations at VersoView.

VersoView is an engagement and rewards platform hosting branded DeFi ecosystems.

Brands, businesses, educational partners and publishers can host and engage their communities around their content and reward them with branded social tokens within the VersoView ecosystem.

PER stands for Publish. Engage. Reward — the lifecycle of Publishing 3.0.

Publishing, reader engagement and the methods of rewarding that engagement is what VersoView is designed to disrupt.

The ecosystem offers individuals a better way to interact and engage with quality content specially curated for their unique interests. The current digital media landscape is rife with low quality, high velocity content and distracts users from their preferred interests and the quality content available to them.

The value proposition for businesses is incredible.

As this era of low quality content continues to distract their customers, VersoView offers a better way to engage their audiences and reward that engagement through within their branded DeFi ecosystem.

Higher engagement means higher revenues.

Dr_GemHunter: Thanks Alex for the great and comprehensive explanation.

I also think that in these fast moving times we are overrun with information and news. Your project is just right to connect readers and publishers even more.

Alex: exactly!


As I gathered from your litepaper, digital publishing is either extremely expensive or very resource consuming. Why is that and how do you solve this problem? Is this where your patent pending comes into play?

Stephen Peaple: Hi Dr_GemHunter, I’m the CPO for VersoView and happy to answer this.

Yes, the current market is broadly offering either free ‘flip-books’ which have a very poor user experience — you have to pinch and zoom in , then out, or the alternative is or spend tens of thousands to millions on services, software and staff. $$$$!

As you say, it’s literally ‘experience-light’ or ‘resource-heavy’.

We looked at the problem of efficient digital publishing with social media sharing, communities and rewards from the perspective as both the end-user and as the publisher. Creating those connections.

Our tool is seamless.

Think ONE click.

It produces a beautiful reading experience without needing heavy resources (investment or personnel).

We know our clients want an alternative to flip-books; complete inventory control; their own branded App; subscriber management; readers interacting with content; content to be shareable.

To create authentic communities who then interact around their brand.

And all of this for a Saas-style monthly fee

And, yes, our patent-pending is an element of our solution, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Dr_GemHunter: These are indeed costs not to be sneezed at. I absolutely agree with you: ‘experience-light’ or ‘resource-heavy’. That’s the current situation. Your project starts at the right place, lower costs and easy to use

>>Our tool is seamless. Think ONE click.<<

hehe that’s all we want, an easy tool 🙂

Stephen Peaple: That’s essential


>>And all of this for a Saas-style monthly fee<<

Yeah, thats cool, I’ll come back to the fees at a later stage


Patents are really important to secure your idea. Can you go into more detail about the patent pending though? What is it all about?

Stephen Peaple: Okay, I had hoped you skipped over that! Ha!

In the future we can talk about it freely, but presently it’s very much under wraps. So we can’t say much right now.

It does form a key element of OpenView.

Dr_GemHunter: I understand, let’s talk about it in the next AMA then ;).

Since some may not know the term OpenView, could you briefly explain for the community what OpenView stands for?

Stephen Peaple: Now I like that.

OpenView is the user-friendly interface that makes a PDF or other electronic media beautifully readable.

It’s like you can automate a Medium-style user experience from one click.

That’s the essence, but then we add the layers of Publish, Engage, and Reward.

Dr_GemHunter: Oh yeah, thats great. Thank you for the explanation!

Let’s dive a little deeper. I also heard about an upcoming alpha release. Can you already give us news about it and enlighten us what it’s all about?


Yes indeed, I will share what I am allowed to at this stage.

Originally scheduled for late Q2 this year, we are running quite a bit ahead of schedule and are happy to report that we are working hard to get it out this quarter.

The alpha will showcase the VersoView platform in its infancy and the OpenView tool in partnership with one of our premier clients retail publications.


Originally scheduled for late Q2 this year, we are running quite a bit ahead of schedule and are happy to report that we are working hard to get it out this quarter.

thats pretty cool, and I guess, every investor loves to hear that

Alex: Yes, the team is working very hard! Adding Rohit has accelerated it as well

The alpha will not include access to VersoRewards, VersoPlus and the token functionality at this time as we continue to integrate those features in advance of the Beta release later this year.

Dr_GemHunter: These are really great news guys!

Alex: Yes we are all very excited and can’t wait to show the world what we have been building!


Adding Rohit has accellerated it as well

Yeah, I will talk about him as well 🙂

Yes we are all very excited and can’t wait to show the world what we have been building!

Absolutely, I’m excited as hell!

Dr_GemHunter: Another important questions is always about the money:

Most crypto projects fail at some point because they run out of money. I gathered from your lightpaper that your income is generated through subscription packages and advertising. Can you elaborate more on subscription packages and how you envision revenue using advertising? Are these your main source of income to ensure a steady flow of money? By the way, what is your current financial cushion?

Col Werner: Hi Dr_G, I’m the CFO for VersoView and I’d like to answer this one.. 👋

VersoView will have 3 subscription packages for our app:




We haven’t finalised monthly fees but when they do, they are designed to be cost effective for any size of business.

App subscription fees are our main revenue drivers, followed by advertising.

We have developed a fully comprehensive financial model that underpins our business.

A % of app sales revenue and advertising go back into the coin ecosystem to generate momentum and deflationary pressure in VVT

We’re not a one trick pony with one income source, we also have coins set aside to assist in funding business development, marketing and exchanges costs

We’re always planning for a rainy day and currently have a 6 month buffer in place, we are a team of professionals and manage VVT’s finances carefully

Dr_GemHunter: I really have to say: absolute respect! It’s obvious that you have worked successfully in the real world before Crypto and that you are now using this knowledge efficiently.

Col Werner: Thanks!

Dr_GemHunter: This financial aspect is often neglected. So hats off!

Another great thing I’ve heard about your project is, that is has no real competitors. Is that true and what is your explanation why no one else has come up with the same idea?

Stephen Peaple: Hi, I’ll take this one.

First, the ‘why’ and also the ‘how’ we came up with the idea is important. Then I’ll address competition

It’s specific team experience.

Myself and Julian have been publishing for ourselves and clients for 25 years, so we know both pain points and the many opportunities inherent in this field from publishing hundreds of thousands of titles across the globe.

In addition, Julian and I’s companies have always had a strong position in technology (we were one of London’s first multimedia companies back in the day, which sets us apart from most publishers.

So that’s unique.

Add to that layer a world-class Business Modeller in Col Werner, which we gave ourselves a year fully scope out the business case and research the market while building our MPV. As you say, this gives us a solid financial backbone.

Then you add real world, digital and crypto experiences of Tommo, Robbo, Alex and indeed Julian — who’ve known each other for a number of years thorough crypto, and you have an extremely unique team with exceptional skill sets.

We’re in Australia, Asia, Europe and the US, and with the addition of Felix and Rohit we collectively have the same shared vision and our team dynamic is excellent.

Now in regards to competitors.

Dr_GemHunter: I think at the latest now the community knows how strong your team is: Solid team, extremely experienced. I like it!

Stephen Peaple: There are, of course, a number of companies within the digital publishing space; from free page-turners to enterprise software, so we do technically have competitors.

However, we have taken a more holistic view of the entire process of publishing and communications centered around communities and the stories they share, and also built into this an authentic rewards system.

Publish. Engage. Reward.

Dr_GemHunter: Yeah thats really great guys! You are taking the lead in the crypto scene 😉

Such a unique selling proposition brings enormous advantages. How will you use this unique selling proposition?

Stephen Peaple: Thank you. I normally make lots of typos so it’s going well.

Advantages. This stems from our vision, which is outlined in our Litepaper which is pinned in our tg.

We aim to be the world’s central hub for corporate and retail digital publishing, with a beautiful, user-friendly interface.

Connecting audiences and rewarding them for their interactions in blockchain-powered communities — with rewards linked to meaningful contributions and interactions.

Now, in terms of how we use this to our advantage.

The VersoView platform architecture allows rapid onboarding of clients — even complete inventories.

With a single publication essentially drag-and-drop, one-click, it’s already compelling for our clients.

And we know from our research publishers are happy to jump from one platform to another when a better option becomes available, but our holistic view has ensured as well as very easy to onboard, the ecosystem is highly sticky and appealing to clients.

Dr_GemHunter: I really recommend everyone to read their Litepaper.

We aim to be the world’s central hub for corporate and retail digital publishing, with a beautiful, user-friendly interface.

Its great! I’ve the feeling, that you will reach your vision guys 😉

Alex: We are working on it!

Stephen Peaple: It looks great to! Branding is so important, as it helps to coimmuniucate the concept

Dr_GemHunter: Absolutely, can’t agree more

Alex: And share your confidence 😉

Dr_GemHunter: I just saw, that Rohit joined us and I also wanted to talk about him a little:

You have recently expanded your team with two more people. I have looked at the profiles, they are great! Rohit Silva in particular seems to have enormous potential, especially with AI and big data. How will his knowledge and potential impact $VVT, how will he be included?

Col Werner: I’ll take this one as I’ve known Rohit for a few years..We live close ever since he returned from nyc

Having Rohit onboard is a massive coup for VVT. He comes with 11 years experience as VP at Credit Suisse. We signed him less than a week ago and in that time, he has begun surgically dissecting our tech needs and refining the roadmap to launch and beyond.

Dr_GemHunter: Oh thats cool, always good to know some guys like him 😉 and I agree you have landed a big coup with him. Impressive!

Col Werner: We would ultimately have Rohit be involved in all facets of the business, such is his experience, but one step at a time for now. He fits right into the team!

Dr_GemHunter: Yeah, thats so perfect with him. Was really excited, after I read the news 😉

Alex: So was I haha

Col Werner: He’s filled a void, we’re excited

Dr_GemHunter: Lets talk about some rumors I’ve heard. Are you ready? 😛

Stephen Peaple: Gulp


I heard about an upcoming interview with a guy well known in the crypto scene. Also about upcoming big partnerships. Which of these can you confirm and also specify?

Alex: Yes indeed, I believe you are referring to the interview we conducted with Blockchain Brad, a leading blockchain educator and influencer. We wrapped that interview at the end of last week and we understand it is in final editing stages and should be released soon.

You really do your homework…

I can’t share the specific details of the partnerships within the blockchain space that we have signed just yet, but I am happy to report that several of them will be unveiled this month!

Dr_GemHunter: Thats pretty amazing. He’s a great and honest guy! Can’t wait to see the interview

You really do your homework…

haha thanks! Doing my best

I can’t share the specific details of the partnerships within the blockchain space that we have signed just yet, but I am happy to report that several of them will be unveiled this month!

Yeah, thought so. But its pretty cool to know, that there is something coming 🙂

So then what else is in the pipeline, and what can we expect in the future from VVT?

Stephen Peaple: We are hard at work to deliver our alpha release ahead of schedule, and are very excited to share those details as soon as possible

>>(Warren Buffet joined the group in the meantime)<<

Alex: Warren, send me a DM and lets talk Berkshire MoU 🤣

Stephen Peaple: We continue to develop exciting partnerships leveraging all of the incredible technology that has synergy with our platform and we are ramping up business development to continue signing MoUs with corporations and universities to use the later stage alpha and onboard into the beta release later in the year.

It’s exciting times ahead.

Dr_GemHunter: Yeah, I’m looking forward to it and can’t agree more Stephan🙂

Stephen Peaple: We’ve been working on this for over two years and see it coming together is very rewarding.

Dr_GemHunter: Okey guys, my last question 🙂

How do you envision your position in the coming months and years?

Alex: To see where we are going its best to look atg where we come from…

Julian and Steve are visionary leaders in the corporate publishing world, and Agency Fish has been recognized year after year with global awards and praise for their work.

We expect even more from VersoView.

Dr_GemHunter: Pretty amazing!

Alex: It fills a void in the market and moves the entire industry forward by adding engagement and rewards to the publishing formula.

Dr_GemHunter: Thats super bullish

Alex: The launch of the VersoView platform will change the way we engage content and will give businesses a format to tell their stories to an audience who wants to hear them.

We are building a multi-decade business and it is just the very beginning!

Dr_GemHunter: I’m really excited to see and use the platform

Alex: Soon!

Stephen Peaple: Since you already brought it up we’d welcome a second AMA as the alpha launches…

Had to ask!

Dr_GemHunter: Oh yeah, that would be very cool

Alex: Indeed and then we can talk specifics on partnerships and the names of our premier clients and how they fit into the picture

Dr_GemHunter: Would be amazing, the community would love it. I’m down for that. Let’s discuss it later then 🙂

Guys, it was a great AMA with you!

Alex: It was excellent, great questions!

Dr_GemHunter: Absolutely informative and I’d like to see more from you guys

Stephen Peaple: Thank you for great questions

Dr_GemHunter: I loved to talk to you. Thank you for your great replies.

I will unmute the chat and then you guys can asks your questions


How will VERSOVIEW deal with European GDPR rules?

Stephen Peaple

Great question. Thank you. Privacy is of paramount important and will be a core coponent in the levels of security built in the ecosphere. We have years of experience working with media agencies and GDPR has been foremost with many of our existing Agency Fish clients as we’re very familar with the parameters required.


Thank you for the great AMA!

I’ve a question regarding holding the token

Are there any benefits to hold $VVT and I read something about staking and an upcoming pool. Can you explain it a little?


Yes indeed, the token has quite a bit of utility.

VersoRewards Staking V1 is available now and offers staking options to token holders via Ferrum Network. A new pool opens tomorrow!

There are additional utilities coming as well including the VersoRewards Perks program, the revenue mechanics and inter-platform trade

The Community Pool opens tomorrow.

35% APY, 4m VVT cap, 90 day stake


ah got it, thats a pretty decent APY. Is there a limit to get in?


10,000 VVT min stake and 7 days to enter


okey, thats absolutely reasonable. I guess 800 bucks at the moment. The Staking V1 pool, whats that about, something I can also join?


The first round of pools closed and we opened The Community Pool as a special “extra” at the request of our community.


ah got it, thank you! I guess, I will join your TG and participate in staking then. Do you have a link?


Sure thing… one sec

All in all it was a great AMA with the team of VersoView. I’m looking forward to see this project a big success!



Dr. GemHunter

Investor, Entrepreneur, Influencer, Advisor, Ph.D. in Engineering, but in Love with #Crypto.